...foo() Traceback (most recent call last): File , line 1, in TypeError: unbound method foo() must be called with Foo instance as first argument (got nothing instead) 看一下報錯信息發現需要一個Foo的實例(instance)來...
...) method = stu.get_name show_attributes(method) method() print ...........unbounded method...... method = Stu.get_name show_attributes(method) method() 輸出結果如下: ...........bounded method.......Trac...
...xt, order_qty, sum(order_qty) OVER (ORDER BY order_no ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cumulative_qty FROM wip_order_test; 解釋一下:還是用 SUM 來計算總和,這里我們使用了新的語法, ROWS BET...
...xt, order_qty, sum(order_qty) OVER (ORDER BY order_no ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cumulative_qty FROM wip_order_test; 解釋一下:還是用 SUM 來計算總和,這里我們使用了新的語法, ROWS BET...
...xt, order_qty, sum(order_qty) OVER (ORDER BY order_no ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cumulative_qty FROM wip_order_test; 解釋一下:還是用 SUM 來計算總和,這里我們使用了新的語法, ROWS BET...
bound與unbound 通常認為實例方法是bound的,而類方法是unbound的,這種說法也沒錯,只是對于不同類型變量來說,結果是不同的 class A(object): test class _instance = None def __private(self): pass def _protect(self): .....
...nal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/openjdk-12),而 JRE 那里 寫著 unbound,怎么辦? 很簡單,雙擊 那個 unbound 的 JRE,重新選擇一下安裝好的JRE環境即可。