webpack是當下前端界中最著名的一個模塊加載工具,react和vue也都是用其作為項目的開發工具之一。小組最近在二次開發一個開源項目,前端主要使用的技術棧試react+redux+es6。構建工具則采用的是webpack。起初整個項目的2707 modules打包花費時長大概有112s,經過對一番折騰,使整個打包編譯時間降到40s左右。
require("babel-register"); require("babel-polyfill"); var webpack = require("webpack"); var webpackPostcssTools = require("webpack-postcss-tools"); var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); var HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin = require("html-webpack-harddisk-plugin"); var UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin = require("unused-files-webpack-plugin").default; var BannerWebpackPlugin = require("banner-webpack-plugin"); var AddAssetHtmlPlugin = require("add-asset-html-webpack-plugin"); var HappyPack = require("happypack"); var ParallelUglifyPlugin = require("webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin"); var _ = require("underscore"); var glob = require("glob"); var fs = require("fs"); var chevrotain = require("chevrotain"); var allTokens = require("./frontend/src/metabase/lib/expressions/tokens").allTokens; function hasArg(arg) { var regex = new RegExp("^" + ((arg.length === 2) ? ("-w*"+arg[1]+"w*") : (arg)) + "$"); return process.argv.filter(regex.test.bind(regex)).length > 0; } var SRC_PATH = __dirname + "/frontend/src/metabase"; var BUILD_PATH = __dirname + "/resources/frontend_client"; // default NODE_ENV to development var NODE_ENV = process.env["NODE_ENV"] || "development"; var IS_WATCHING = hasArg("-w") || hasArg("--watch"); if (IS_WATCHING) { process.stderr.write("Warning: in webpack watch mode you must restart webpack if you change any CSS variables or custom media queries "); } // Babel: var BABEL_CONFIG = { cacheDirectory: ".babel_cache" }; // Build mapping of CSS variables var CSS_SRC = glob.sync(SRC_PATH + "/css/**/*.css"); var CSS_MAPS = { vars: {}, media: {}, selector: {} }; CSS_SRC.map(webpackPostcssTools.makeVarMap).forEach(function(map) { for (var name in CSS_MAPS) _.extend(CSS_MAPS[name], map[name]); }); // CSS Next: var CSSNEXT_CONFIG = { features: { // pass in the variables and custom media we scanned for before customProperties: { variables: CSS_MAPS.vars }, customMedia: { extensions: CSS_MAPS.media } }, import: { path: ["resources/frontend_client/app/css"] }, compress: false }; var CSS_CONFIG = { localIdentName: NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]" : "[hash:base64:5]", restructuring: false, compatibility: true, url: false, // disabled because we need to use relative url() importLoaders: 1 } // happypack.config var happyPackConfig = { plugins:[ new HappyPack({ id: "happyBabel", threads: 4, cache: true, loaders:[ { path: "babel", query: BABEL_CONFIG } ] }), new HappyPack({ id: "happyEslint", threads: 4, cache: true, loaders: ["eslint"] }) ] } var config = module.exports = { context: SRC_PATH, entry: { "app-main": "./app-main.js", "app-public": "./app-public.js", "app-embed": "./app-embed.js", styles: "./css/index.css", }, // output to "dist" output: { path: BUILD_PATH + "/app/dist", filename: "[name].bundle.js?[hash]", publicPath: "app/dist/" }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: "HappyPack/loader?id=happyBabel" }, { test: /.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules|.spec.js/, loader: "HappyPack/loader?id=happyEslint" }, { test: /.(eot|woff2?|ttf|svg|png)$/, loader: "file-loader" }, { test: /.json$/, loader: "json-loader" }, { test: /.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader?" + JSON.stringify(CSS_CONFIG) + "!postcss-loader") } ] }, resolve: { extensions: ["", ".webpack.js", ".web.js", ".js", ".jsx", ".css"], alias: { "metabase": SRC_PATH, "style": SRC_PATH + "/css/core/index.css", "ace": __dirname + "/node_modules/ace-builds/src-min-noconflict", } }, plugins: [ new UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin({ globOptions: { ignore: [ "**/types/*.js", "**/*.spec.*", "**/__support__/*.js" ] } }), new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({ context: __dirname, manifest: require("./manifest.json"), name:"vendors_dll" }), // Extracts initial CSS into a standard stylesheet that can be loaded in parallel with JavaScript // NOTE: the filename on disk won"t include "?[chunkhash]" but the URL in index.html generated by HtmlWebpackPlugin will: new ExtractTextPlugin("[name].bundle.css?[contenthash]"), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "../../index.html", chunks: ["app-main", "styles"], template: __dirname + "/resources/frontend_client/index_template.html", inject: "head", alwaysWriteToDisk: true, }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "../../public.html", chunks: ["app-public", "styles"], template: __dirname + "/resources/frontend_client/index_template.html", inject: "head", alwaysWriteToDisk: true, }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ filename: "../../embed.html", chunks: ["app-embed", "styles"], template: __dirname + "/resources/frontend_client/index_template.html", inject: "head", alwaysWriteToDisk: true, }), new AddAssetHtmlPlugin({ filepath: BUILD_PATH + "/app/dist/*.dll.js", includeSourcemap: false }), new HtmlWebpackHarddiskPlugin({ outputPath: __dirname + "/resources/frontend_client/app/dist" }), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ "process.env": { NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(NODE_ENV) } }), new BannerWebpackPlugin({ chunks: { "app-main": { beforeContent: "/* * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in * file "LICENSE.txt", which is part of this source code package. */ ", }, "app-public": { beforeContent: "/* * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in * file "LICENSE.txt", which is part of this source code package. */ ", }, "app-embed": { beforeContent: "/* * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in * file "LICENSE-EMBEDDING.txt", which is part of this source code package. */ ", }, } }), ].concat(happyPackConfig.plugins), postcss: function (webpack) { return [ require("postcss-import")(), require("postcss-url")(), require("postcss-cssnext")(CSSNEXT_CONFIG) ] } }; if (NODE_ENV === "hot") { // suffixing with ".hot" allows us to run both `yarn run build-hot` and `yarn run test` or `yarn run test-watch` simultaneously config.output.filename = "[name].hot.bundle.js?[hash]"; // point the publicPath (inlined in index.html by HtmlWebpackPlugin) to the hot-reloading server config.output.publicPath = "http://localhost:8080/" + config.output.publicPath; config.module.loaders.unshift({ test: /.jsx$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loaders: ["react-hot", "babel?"+JSON.stringify(BABEL_CONFIG)] }); // disable ExtractTextPlugin config.module.loaders[config.module.loaders.length - 1].loader = "style-loader!css-loader?" + JSON.stringify(CSS_CONFIG) + "!postcss-loader" config.devServer = { hot: true, inline: true, contentBase: "frontend" }; config.plugins.unshift( new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(), new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() ); } if (NODE_ENV !== "production") { // replace minified files with un-minified versions for (var name in config.resolve.alias) { var minified = config.resolve.alias[name]; var unminified = minified.replace(/[.-/]min/g, ""); if (minified !== unminified && fs.existsSync(unminified)) { config.resolve.alias[name] = unminified; } } // enable "cheap" source maps in hot or watch mode since re-build speed overhead is < 1 second config.devtool = "cheap-module-source-map"; config.output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate = "[absolute-resource-path]"; config.output.pathinfo = true; } else { config.plugins.push(new ParallelUglifyPlugin({ uglifyJs:{ compress: { warnings: false, }, output: { comments: false, }, mangle: { except: allTokens.map(function(currTok) { return chevrotain.tokenName(currTok); }) } }, cacheDir: ".js-cache" })) config.devtool = "source-map"; }
happypack: 讓loader以多進程去處理文件,借助緩存機制,可以在rebuild的時候更快
webpack.DllPlugin: 優先構建npm的第三方包
webpack.DllReferencePlugin: 只負責用來引用由webpack.DllPlugin生成的第三方依賴項
webpack-parallel-uglify-plugin: 并行壓縮javascript文件(生產環境中使用,可以顯著的提升構建速度)
yarn add happywebpack -D
// 省略了部分的配置文件 var config = module.exports = { //................ module: { loaders: [ { test: /.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: "babel", query: BABEL_CONFIG }, { test: /.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules|.spec.js/, loader: "eslint" }, { test: /.(eot|woff2?|ttf|svg|png)$/, loader: "file-loader" }, { test: /.json$/, loader: "json-loader" }, { test: /.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader?" + JSON.stringify(CSS_CONFIG) + "!postcss-loader") } ] } //............... }
// happypack.config:更多的配置可以參考文檔,按需索取。 var happyPackConfig = { plugins:[ new HappyPack({ id: "happyBabel", threads: 4, cache: true, loaders:[ { path: "babel", query: BABEL_CONFIG } ] }), new HappyPack({ id: "happyEslint", threads: 4, cache: true, loaders: ["eslint"] }) ] } var config = module.exports = { //................ module: { loaders: [ // 變動這兩個 { test: /.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: "HappyPack/loader?id=happyBabel" }, { test: /.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules|.spec.js/, loader: "HappyPack/loader?id=happyEslint" }, // 其它的并未改動 { test: /.(eot|woff2?|ttf|svg|png)$/, loader: "file-loader" }, { test: /.json$/, loader: "json-loader" }, { test: /.css$/, loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("style-loader", "css-loader?" + JSON.stringify(CSS_CONFIG) + "!postcss-loader") } ] } //............... } // 在module.loader中引用
yarn run build
const webpack = require("webpack") const vendors = Object.keys(require("package.json")["dependencies"]) const SRC_PATH = __dirname + "/frontend/src/metabase" const BUILD_PATH = __dirname + "/resources/frontend_client" module.exports = { output: { path: BUILD_PATH + "/app/dist", filename: "[name].dll.js", library: "[name]_dll", }, entry: { // 第三方依賴設置為打包的入口 vendors: vendors, }, plugins: [ new webpack.DllPlugin({ path: "manifest.json", name: "[name]_dll", context: __dirname, }), ], }
webpack --config ddl.donfig.js
//.......................... plugins:[ // ........ new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({ context: __dirname, manifest: require("./manifest.json"), // 上述生成的文件的名稱 name:"vendors_dll" }), //......... ] //..........................
var AddAssetHtmlPlugin = require("add-asset-html-webpack-plugin"); //.......................... plugins:[ // ........ new AddAssetHtmlPlugin({ filepath: BUILD_PATH + "/app/dist/*.dll.js", includeSourcemap: false }), //......... ] //..........................
includeSourcemap選項如果不配置的話,可能會遇到vendors.dll.js.map cannot found的錯誤
config.plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ // suppress uglify warnings in production // output from these warnings was causing Heroku builds to fail (#5410) compress: { warnings: false, }, output: { comments: false, }, mangle: { // this is required to ensure we don"t minify Chevrotain token identifiers // https://github.com/SAP/chevrotain/tree/master/examples/parser/minification except: allTokens.map(function(currTok) { return chevrotain.tokenName(currTok); }) } }))
config.plugins.push(new ParallelUglifyPlugin({ uglifyJs:{ compress: { warnings: false, }, output: { comments: false, }, mangle: { // this is required to ensure we don"t minify Chevrotain token identifiers // https://github.com/SAP/chevrotain/tree/master/examples/parser/minification except: allTokens.map(function(currTok) { return chevrotain.tokenName(currTok); }) } }, cacheDir: ".js-cache" }))
摘要:中在性能優化所做的努力,也大抵圍繞著這兩個大方向展開。因此,將依賴模塊從業務代碼中分離是性能優化重要的一環。大型庫是否可以通過定制功能的方式減少體積。這又違背了性能優化的基礎。接下來可以抓住一些細節做更細的優化。中,為默認啟動這一優化。 前言:在現實項目中,我們可能很少需要從頭開始去配置一個webpack 項目,特別是webpack4.0發布以后,零配置啟動一個項目成為一種標配。正因為...
摘要:打包分析與性能優化背景在去年年末參與的一個項目中,項目技術棧使用,生產環境全量構建將近三分鐘,項目業務模塊多達數百個,項目依賴數千個,并且該項目協同前后端開發人員較多,提高構建效率,成為了改善團隊開發效率的關鍵之一。 webpack打包分析與性能優化 背景 在去年年末參與的一個項目中,項目技術棧使用react+es6+ant-design+webpack+babel,生產環境全量構建將...
摘要:的選項中,是文件的輸出路徑是暴露的對象名,要跟保持一致是解析包路徑的上下文,這個要跟下面要配置的保持一致。最后修改一下模板,增加引用文件給入口文件再加點依賴模塊,方便打包觀察運行打包可以看到,入口文件里依賴的,模塊,直接引用了。 React系列---Webpack環境搭建(一)手動搭建React系列---Webpack環境搭建(二)不同環境不同配置React系列---Webpack環境...
摘要:感受構建工具給前端優化工作帶來的便利。多多益處邏輯清晰,程序注重數據與表現分離,可讀性強,利于規避和排查問題構建工具層出不窮。其實工具都能滿足需求,關鍵是看怎么用,工具的使用背后是對前端性能優化的理解程度。 這篇主要介紹一下我在玩Webpack過程中的心得。通過實例介紹WebPack的安裝,插件使用及加載策略。感受構建工具給前端優化工作帶來的便利。 showImg(https://se...
摘要:當一個文件要被多個處理,那么一定要指定執行的先后順序先執行在執行參考 webpack系列文章: 【Webpack 性能優化系列(2) - source-map】【W...
摘要:在項目架構中這兩個東西基本成為了標配,但的模塊必須在使用前經過的構建后文稱為才能在瀏覽器端使用,而每次修改也都需要重新構建后文稱為才能生效,如何提高的構建效率成為了提高開發效率的關鍵之一。 0. 前言 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000005770045); 圖1:ES6 + Webpack + React + Bab...
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