可是當我們多個線程需要修改同一個數據,在不做任何同步控制的情況下,產生的結果往往是不可預料的,比如兩個線程,一個輸出hello,一個輸出world,實際運行的結果,往往可能是一個是hello world,一個是world hello。
from threading import Lock, Thread lock = Lock() g = 0 def add_one(): """ Just used for demonstration. It’s bad to use the ‘global’ statement in general. """ global g lock.acquire() g += 1 lock.release() def add_two(): global g lock.acquire() g += 2 lock.release() threads = [] for func in [add_one, add_two]: threads.append(Thread(target=func)) threads[-1].start() for thread in threads: """ Waits for threads to complete before moving on with the main script. """ thread.join() print(g)
# 使用Lock import threading num = 0 lock = Threading.Lock() lock.acquire() num += 1 lock.acquire() # 這個地方阻塞 num += 2 lock.release() # 使用RLock lock = Threading.RLock() lock.acquire() num += 3 lock.acquire() # 這不會阻塞 num += 4 lock.release() lock.release() # 這個地方注意是釋放兩次鎖Semaphores
import random, time from threading import BoundedSemaphore, Thread max_items = 5 container = BoundedSemaphore(max_items) def producer(nloops): for i in range(nloops): time.sleep(random.randrange(2, 5)) print(time.ctime(), end=": ") try: container.release() print("Produced an item.") except ValueError: print("Full, skipping.") def consumer(nloops): for i in range(nloops): time.sleep(random.randrange(2, 5)) print(time.ctime(), end=": ") if container.acquire(False): print("Consumed an item.") else: print("Empty, skipping.") threads = [] nloops = random.randrange(3, 6) print("Starting with %s items." % max_items) threads.append(Thread(target=producer, args=(nloops,))) threads.append(Thread(target=consumer, args=(random.randrange(nloops, nloops+max_items+2),))) for thread in threads: # Starts all the threads. thread.start() for thread in threads: # Waits for threads to complete before moving on with the main script. thread.join() print("All done.")
import random, time from threading import Event, Thread event = Event() def waiter(event, nloops): for i in range(nloops): print(“%s. Waiting for the flag to be set.” % (i+1)) event.wait() # Blocks until the flag becomes true. print(“Wait complete at:”, time.ctime()) event.clear() # Resets the flag. print() def setter(event, nloops): for i in range(nloops): time.sleep(random.randrange(2, 5)) # Sleeps for some time. event.set() threads = [] nloops = random.randrange(3, 6) threads.append(Thread(target=waiter, args=(event, nloops))) threads[-1].start() threads.append(Thread(target=setter, args=(event, nloops))) threads[-1].start() for thread in threads: thread.join() print(“All done.”)Conditions
import random, time from threading import Condition, Thread condition = Condition() box = [] def producer(box, nitems): for i in range(nitems): time.sleep(random.randrange(2, 5)) # Sleeps for some time. condition.acquire() num = random.randint(1, 10) box.append(num) # Puts an item into box for consumption. condition.notify() # Notifies the consumer about the availability. print("Produced:", num) condition.release() def consumer(box, nitems): for i in range(nitems): condition.acquire() condition.wait() # Blocks until an item is available for consumption. print("%s: Acquired: %s" % (time.ctime(), box.pop())) condition.release() threads = [] nloops = random.randrange(3, 6) for func in [producer, consumer]: threads.append(Thread(target=func, args=(box, nloops))) threads[-1].start() # Starts the thread. for thread in threads: thread.join() print("All done.")
from random import randrange from threading import Barrier, Thread from time import ctime, sleep num = 4 b = Barrier(num) names = [“Harsh”, “Lokesh”, “George”, “Iqbal”] def player(): name = names.pop() sleep(randrange(2, 5)) print(“%s reached the barrier at: %s” % (name, ctime())) b.wait() threads = [] print(“Race starts now…”) for i in range(num): threads.append(Thread(target=player)) threads[-1].start() for thread in threads: thread.join() print() print(“Race over!”)總結
摘要:具有以下基本同步原語子進程提供了通過創建和管理子進程的。雖然隊列不是線程安全的,但它們被設計為專門用于代碼。表示異步操作的最終結果。 Python的asyncio是使用 async/await 語法編寫并發代碼的標準庫。通過上一節的講解,我們了解了它不斷變化的發展歷史。到了Python最新穩定版 3.7 這個版本,asyncio又做了比較大的調整,把這個庫的API分為了 高層級API和...
摘要:定時檢測器定時拿出一部分重新的用過濾器進行檢測剔除不能用的代理。重載是讓類以統一的方式處理不同類型數據的一種手段。雖然在內存中存儲表數據確實會提供很高的性能,但當守護進程崩潰時,所有的數據都會丟失。第1題: 如何解決驗證碼的問題,用什么模塊,聽過哪些人工打碼平臺? PIL、pytesser、tesseract模塊 平臺的話有:(打碼平臺特殊,不保證時效性) 云打碼 掙碼 斐斐打碼 若快打碼...
摘要:定時檢測器定時拿出一部分重新的用過濾器進行檢測剔除不能用的代理。重載是讓類以統一的方式處理不同類型數據的一種手段。雖然在內存中存儲表數據確實會提供很高的性能,但當守護進程崩潰時,所有的數據都會丟失。第1題: 如何解決驗證碼的問題,用什么模塊,聽過哪些人工打碼平臺? PIL、pytesser、tesseract模塊 平臺的話有:(打碼平臺特殊,不保證時效性) 云打碼 掙碼 斐斐打碼 若快打碼...
摘要:首發于我的博客線程池進程池網絡編程之同步異步阻塞非阻塞后端掘金本文為作者原創,轉載請先與作者聯系。在了解的數據結構時,容器可迭代對象迭代器使用進行并發編程篇二掘金我們今天繼續深入學習。 Python 算法實戰系列之棧 - 后端 - 掘金原文出處: 安生??? 棧(stack)又稱之為堆棧是一個特殊的有序表,其插入和刪除操作都在棧頂進行操作,并且按照先進后出,后進先出的規則進行運作。 如...
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