Google Summer of Code(GSoC)是面向開源開發領域新貢獻者的最知名和最受歡迎的計劃之一,我們很高興地宣布CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation,云原生計算基金會)參與GSoC 2019!
如果你是學生,計劃參加GSoC 2019,現在是審查項目構想,并與導師開始討論的最佳時機。這里分享一篇去年浙江大學研究生,在諧云實習的Jian Liu,有關“GSoC 18:Kata Containers對containerd的支持”的經驗。
Kubernetes項目構想Integrate kube-batch with pytorch-operator/mxnet-operator
Implement volume snapshotting support into the external Manila provisioner
Enable full e2e tests for external Azure cloud provider
CSI driver for AzureDisk
CSI driver for AzureFile
CSI driver for Blobfuse
Streamline and simplify SASS for the Kubernetes website
Fully automate API and reference doc generation
Add support for Custom Resource Definitions to the Dashboard
Add plugin mechanism to the Dashboard
Prometheus項目構想Benchmarks for TSDB
Continue the work on Prombench
Persist Retroactive Rule Reevaluations
Optimize queries using regex matchers for set lookups
Package for bulk imports
Open Policy Agent (OPA)項目構想IntelliJ plugin to experiment with and visualize policy evaluation
Interactive website detailing OPA integrations
Integration with IPTables
CoreDNS項目構想Support source-IP based query block/allow
Support Google Cloud DNS backend
Support Azure DNS backend
TiKV項目構想Migrate to tower-grpc
Introduce other storage engines
Build TiKV clients in different languages
Auto-tune RocksDB
Rook項目構想Upgrade Rook to a more advanced operator/controller framework
Storage provider features and enhancements
Enable multiple network interfaces for Rook storage providers
Enhance and extend the Rook framework for storage solutions
Expand coverage and scope of Rook"s continuous integration (CI) system
Dynamic provisioning for portable workloads
Linkerd and Envoy項目構想Benchmarks for Linkerd and Envoy
Virtual Kubelet項目構想Conformance testing for Virtual Kubelet
Linkerd項目構想Cross-cloud integration testing
Conformance Validation
Alertmanager Integration
Kafka Introspection
rkt項目構想Add support for the OCI runtime spec by implementing a runc stage2
Add native OCI image support
containerd項目構想Snapshotter implementation for block devices
p2p or remote blob store implementation
Falco項目構想Improved Falco Outputs
Additional Event Sources
Layer 7 Inspection and Detection
Falco integration with AI/ML platforms
Prometheus Metrics Exporter
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Falco rules profiles for applications and security benchmarks
Cortex項目構想Improve Ingester Handover
Centralized Rate Limiting
Use etcd in Cortex
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit大會日期:
會議日程通告日期:2019 年 4 月 10 日
會議活動舉辦日期:2019 年 6 月 24 至 26 日
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit贊助方案
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit多元化獎學金現正接受申請
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit即將首次合體落地中國
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon和Open Source Summit購票窗口,立即購票!
摘要:快速增長的服務器,作為的官方默認支持和等開源技術的云原生計算基金會今天宣布,在去年畢業的和之后,是年第一個畢業的項目。年中國論壇提案征集現已開放論壇讓用戶開發人員從業人員匯聚一堂,面對面進行交流合作。 快速增長的DNS服務器,作為Kubernetes的官方默認DNS showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbnLgj?w=4002&h=2323);...
摘要:每年設有三期線下課程,分別在月份,月份以及月份,所有線下課程將在北京總部進行。當大家完成了線下課程和全部課程考核,我們會舉辦一個充滿儀式感的結業答辯,并為順利結業的小伙伴授予專屬的結業證書。 TiDB 每一次微小進步都離不開廣大社區小伙伴們的支持,但也有很多同學反映 TiDB 是一個非常復雜的分布式數據庫系統,如果沒有相關知識和經驗積累,在參與之初難免會遇到各種問題。因此我們決定全面升...
摘要:在這篇文章中,華裔血統的分享了有價值的會議收獲等首次訪問中國的多元化獎學金經歷。在之后,我感謝我一生中第一次來的中國,作為華裔人士和多元化獎學金獲得者。和贊助方案出爐和多元化獎學金現正接受申請和即將首次合體落地中國 CNCF為開發者和學生提供多元化獎學金,以參加KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2018。在這篇文章中,華裔血統的Emmelyn Wang分享了...
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