

Sublime Text2 Svn設置問題

CKJOKER / 3572人閱讀


今天搜了下Sublime Text2的SVN插件,搞了我半天終于找到了個博客寫的東西,點出了問題所在。原來是因為自帶的SVN版本太低造成的。這里貼上解決方案,大家可以看看~



  1. If you get the following error

  2. svn: This client is too old to work with working copy ".";

  3. please get a newer Subversion client

  4. ... or you just want to update your subversion client (command line),

  5. try the following: In Terminal, type "svn --version" to find out what
  6. version you currently have Go to
  7. http://www.open.collab.net/downloads/community and download the latest
  8. client for OS X and install it. This will install the new svn into
  9. /opt/subversion/bin Got to your terminal and check your $PATH by
  10. typing "echo $PATH". If you don"t see /opt/subversion/bin in there,
  11. make sure you add it by typing export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH.
  12. If it DOES exist and appears AFTER /usr/bin, then you may need to
  13. remove an older copy of svn that came installed on OS X. To do so, go
  14. to /usr/bin and remove all files starting with svn. This isn"t an
  15. exact science but it should do the trick. To be able to call the
  16. Subversion commands from every directory, you must add it to your path
  17. in the ".profile" or .bash_profile. If you don"t know what that means,
  18. don"t worry. Just follow the instructions. Open the Terminal
  19. application. It can be found in the /Applications/Utilities folder.
  20. Whenever you see below a line starting with a dollar sign, you should
  21. type the text after the dollar sign in your terminal and hit return.
  22. Start by creating a new text file called ".bash_profile" in "~/"
  23. directory, i.e. with the command line text editor pico: $ handy
  24. .profile Add the following line to the .profile file: export
  25. PATH=/opt/subversion/bin/:$PATH Now hit Control-X, then confirm saving
  26. the file with "y", followed by return. You have just added
  27. Subversions"s location to your path. Let Terminal read this file to
  28. know the path has changed (there"s an empty space between the dots): $
  29. . .profile or . ./.profile* (Step 4 referent from:
  30. http://www.rubyrobot.org/tutorial/subversion-with-mac-os-x) Type "svn
  31. --version". You should see that you have the newest version installed! NOTE: If /opt/subversion/bin already exists, it will be backed up to
  32. /opt/subversion_backup.MMDDYYHHMMSSS. See the readme for more
  33. information.
  34. *See http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2621/os_x_change_path_environment_variable/
  35. for a great explanation of this Quote from :
  36. http://www.redfinsolutions.com/redfin-blog/update-subversion-mac-os-x




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