...使用量。這是為什么呢?下面是官方文檔的解釋: 對于WiredTiger存儲引擎(mongodb 3.2之后默認使用):How do I reclaim disk space in WiredTiger? The WiredTiger storage engine maintains lists of empty records in data files as it deletes docu...
...n in initAndListen: 28663 Cannot start server. The default storage engine wiredTiger is not available with this build of mongod. Please specify a different storage engine explicitly, e.g. --storage...
...form of local|replicated commands. flushesChanged in version 3.0. For the WiredTiger Storage Engine, flushes refers to the number of WiredTiger checkpoints triggered between each polling interval....
...有這么幾個問題需要解決: 1. mongodb3.0版本的二進制包 1. wiredTiger引擎的配置 1. 數據的遷移 1. 權限 mongodb3.0的二進制包 這個就不用多說了,直接去官網選擇對應的系統下載就好https://www.mongodb.org/downloads 我是centos 6.3,對應的發...
...做MMAPv1,MongoDB3.0的推出使得mongodb有了兩個引擎:MMAPv1和WiredTiger。 MMAPv1:適應于所有MongoDB版本,MongoDB3.0的默認引擎 WiredTiger:僅支持64位MongoDB 錯誤原因 MongoDB在3.2之后默認的是wiredTiger引擎,而管理軟件匹配的還是之前的引擎...
...I - [initandlisten] Detected data files in c:datadb created by the wiredTiger storage engine, so setting the active storage engine to wiredTiger. 2017-09-01T00:55:51.372-0700 I STORAGE [ini...
...urnal可以重新構造出寫入的數據)。 #即使宕機,啟動時wiredtiger會先將數據恢復到最近一次的checkpoint點,然后重放后續的 journal日志來恢復。 storageEngine = wiredTiger? #存儲引擎有mmapv1、wiretiger、mongorocks bind_ip = #mongo...
...個: WARNING: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine意思是:強烈建議使用帶WiredTiger存儲引擎的XFS文件系統,這個不用管它 第二個: WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database意...