






  • jQuery 源碼系列(四)Tokens 詞法分析

    ... push 到 groups 中。這個正則中 [x20 f] 是用來匹配類似于 whitespace 的,主體就一個逗號。 var rcombinators = /^[x20 f]*([>+~]|[x20 f])[x20 f]*/; rcombinators.exec( > div.seq h2 ~ p); //[ > , >] rcombinators.exec( ~ p)...

    rollback 評論0 收藏0
  • 使用Bootstrap typeahead插件實現搜索框自動補全的配置參數。

    ...urce = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace(display_name), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: htt...

    JerryC 評論0 收藏0
  • PyCharm使用autopep8按PEP8風格自動排版Python代碼

    ...ault: infinite) -a, --aggressive enable non-whitespace changes; multiple -a result in more aggressive changes --experimental enable e...

    Sanchi 評論0 收藏0
  • LeetCode 之 JavaScript 解答第8題 —— 字符串轉換整數 (String to

    ...which converts a string to an integer. The function first discards as many whitespace characters as necessary until the first non-whitespace character is found. Then, starting from this character, ...

    zhisheng 評論0 收藏0
  • 【翻譯】用PostCSS改善你的CSS代碼質量

    ...ne block (block-opening-brace-newline-after) [stylelint] 1:17 Unexpected whitespace at end of line (no-eol-whitespace) [stylelint] 2:5 Expected indentation of 2 spaces (indentation) [stylelint...

    sorra 評論0 收藏0
  • tornado template默認壓縮空白字符導致coffee無法正確縮進

    ..._init__(self, template_string, name=, loader=None, compress_whitespace=None, autoescape=_UNSET): self.name = name if compress_whitespace is None: compress_whitespace = ...

    BicycleWarrior 評論0 收藏0
  • CSS guidelines

    ...nts, no tabs; 80 character wide columns; multi-line CSS; meaningful use of whitespace. But, as with anything, the specifics are somewhat irrelevant—consistency is key. Multiple Files With the mete...

    e10101 評論0 收藏0
  • Leetcode 8 String to Integer (atoi)

    ...ments up front. Requirements for atoi: The function first discards as many whitespacecharacters as necessary until the first non-whitespace character is found. Then, starting from this character, t...

    cod7ce 評論0 收藏0
  • JS語言缺陷

    ... } if (currentChar === > || currentChar === } 7: {type: whitespace, value: } 8: {type: number, value: 0} 9: {type: parens, value: )} 10: {type: whitespace, value: } 11: {type: brace...

    I_Am 評論0 收藏0
  • 如何用PEP 8編寫優雅的Python代碼

    ...Brace Comments Block Comments Inline Comments Documentation Strings Whitespace in Expressions and Statements Whitespace Around Binary Operators When to Avoid Adding Whitespace Programming...

    seanHai 評論0 收藏0
  • typeahead.js 使用教程小結

    ...inces = new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace(value), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, // 預獲取并緩存 prefetch: ././data/...

    changfeng1050 評論0 收藏0
  • JavaScript實現的HashTable(鍵值對)類

    ...實現HashTable這種數據類型。 實現 //trim方法借鑒jQuery var whitespace = [x20 f], rtrim = new RegExp(^ + whitespace + +|((?:^|[^\])(?:\.)*) + whitespace + +$, g); //直接在string的原型上做了擴展 String.prototype.trim = S...

    wawor4827 評論0 收藏0
  • 記 vscode 搭建 Typescript+React+Dva 開發環境

    ... false ], jsx-boolean-value: false, no-trailing-whitespace: false, semicolon: false, trailing-comma: false, space-in-parents: false, ...

    shaonbean 評論0 收藏0


