... query: to be key, cutoff_frequency: 2 } } } } synonyms synonyms 是指同義詞,只要索引和字段中配置了同義詞過濾器,match 查詢是支持多詞條的同義詞擴展的。在應用過濾器后,解析器會對每個多次條同義詞創建一個語句...
...問其它用戶的對象 創建與salgrade表對應的同義詞,create synonym 同義詞 for 表名/視圖/其它對象 create synonym e for salgrade; create synonym ev5 for emp_view_5; 以sys身份授予scott普通用戶create synonym權限 grant create synonym to scott; ...
... gene1..849 /gene="FASLG" /gene_synonym="CD95-L;FASL;TNFSF6" /note="Fasligand(TNFsuperfamily,member6)" /db_xref="GeneID:396726" CDS1..849 /g...
...umeric-type-overview 這篇文檔里面寫到 BOOL, BOOLEANThese types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true 也就是說,在mysql中對 TINYINT(1) 和 BOOLEAN 的處理是一...
..., // Want the scrollbar to fall over? rick: true, // The synonymous Rick Astley video, hidden off-screen hiddenVideos: true, // Show some wonderfully annoying videos vanish...
...cular doubly-linked list in-place. Think of the left and right pointers as synonymous to the previous and next pointers in a doubly-linked list. Lets take the following BST as an example, it may he...