...里我們使用發票導出作為示例. 在 App/Exports 下創建一個 InvoicesExport 類 namespace AppExports; use MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromCollection; class InvoicesExport implements FromCollection { public function collect...
...-zip 擴展開啟。 任務 1:?存儲用戶的發票文件到?storage/invoices/aaa001.pdf 下面是代碼展示: $zip_file = invoices.zip; // 要下載的壓縮包的名稱 // 初始化 PHP 類 $zip = new ipArchive(); $zip->open($zip_file, ipArchive::CREATE | ipArchi...
...方法而不是 push()來延遲來推送作業: Queue::later(60, new SendInvoice()) The later() method uses the availableAt() method to determine the availability time: 后者 later() 方法使用 availableAt() 方法來確定可用性時間: protected f...
...數據庫sqlite3,不二之選。UI組件為iview。 本次項目【easy-invoices】github地址:https://github.com/CaanDoll/easy-invoices (求一波star~) 軟件下載(目前只構建了windows版本):https://github.com/CaanDoll/easy-invoices/releases electron官網:ht...
...每個新支票添加一個提醒日期 it adds a reminder date when an invoice is created //當提醒日期到來就發郵件提醒 it sends an email to the invoices accounts primary contact after the reminder date has passed //如果用戶閱讀了郵件就給用戶打上標記 it...
...使用例子。假如你相對集合里的每一個元素進行操作: $invoices->each(function($invoice) { $invoice->pay(); }); 以上是老的寫法,5.4 里你可以這樣寫: $invoices->each->pay(); @milkmeowo 同學對此功能做了詳細的介紹,請前往查看 https://laravel-chi...
...yal Oak, state=> MI, postal=> 48046, ), ); $invoice = array ( invoice=> 34843, date=> 2001-01-23, bill-to=> $addr, ship-to=> $addr, product=> array( ...
...5 JavaScript Scheme, Self mj-invoice MJ-INVOICE-ITEM Display a row in an mj-invoice component mj-...
...行命名,有名字的切片,顯然更具有可讀性。如下例: invoice = 0.....6........15.....21 1001 prod_1 $17.5 3 1002 prod_2 $4.5 2 1003 prod_3 $10 1 1004 prod_4 $12 1 1005 prod_5 $8 1 prod_id = slic...