... traditionally congratulates the professionals who are struggling with the imperfection of the world. Most often they remain in the shadows and their work isn’t always visible to ordinary users. Bu...
...C++編程規范》 出類拔萃 《深入探索C++對象模型》、《Imperfect C++》、《C++沉思錄》、《STL源碼剖 析》,《C++ Templates》、《C++設計新思維》、 《C++模版元編程》; 返璞歸真 《C++語言的設計和演化》、《編程的本質》(含STL設...
...ing, Rule 2: Query using SQL on Streams (StreamSQL), Rule 3: Handle Stream Imperfections (Delayed, Missing and Out-of-Order Data) … 等等。雖然此篇有引導輿論的嫌疑 —— 不知是先有了這流 8 條、再有了 StreamBase,還是先有了 StreamBase、再...
...o has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid. 4: Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. 5: Try not to become ...
...ign and write. The labor of building, no matter how painful the process or imperfect the result, make us grow love for it. This is in fact known as the IKEA Effect. Unfortunately this bias is going...
...ign and write. The labor of building, no matter how painful the process or imperfect the result, make us grow love for it. This is in fact known as the IKEA Effect. Unfortunately this bias is going...