...發的智能合約。所以我用C++開發了選舉智能合約。以下是election.cpp的完整源代碼: #include using namespace eosio; class election : public contract { private: // create the multi index tables to store the data /// @abi table ...
... var url_1 = https://www.xx.cn/api?keyword=&level1=&local_batch_id=&elective=&local_province_id=33; var url_2 = https://www.xx.cn/api?keyword=&level1=&local_batch_id=&elective=800&local_pro...
Problem In an election, the i-th vote was cast for persons[i] at time times[i]. Now, we would like to implement the following query function: TopVotedCandidate.q(int t) will return the number of the p...
...Etcd的工作機制之前,我們先定義三個關鍵概念:leaders、elections以及terms。在一個基于Raft的系統中,集群使用election為給定的term選擇leader。 Leader處理所有需要集群一致協商的客戶端請求。不需要一致協商的請求(如讀取)可以由...
...能可以實現Curator提供了兩種選舉方案:Leader Latch和Leader Election。(1)Leader Latch:隨機從候選著中選出一臺作為leader,選中之后除非調用close()釋放leadship,否則其他的后選擇無法成為leader。(2)Leader Election:通過LeaderSelectorListene...
...?Heartbeat?Response,由于?Raft?的選舉機制,Follower?會在?Election Timeout?的時間之后才重新發生選舉,下一個?Leader?選舉出來的時間保證大于?Start+Election?Timeout/Clock Drift Bound,所以可以認為?Leader?的?Lease?有效期可以到?Start+Elect...
...a TCP connection to the leader using this port. Because the default leader election also uses TCP, we currently require another port for leader election. This is the second port in the server entry...
...17/06/22 07:51:02 [WARN] raft: Heartbeat timeout from reached, starting election 2017/06/22 07:51:02 [INFO] raft: Node at [Candidate] entering Candidate state in term 2 2017...