ELVES IT Automatic Develop Platform Elves為光宇游戲運維團隊開源的一套自動化運維開發平臺(IT Automatic Develop Platform),面向開發,注重以編程實現運維自動化,致力于為運維研發人員提供便捷的運維自動化業務編程實現環境, Elves自...
...e-module-info ./out mylibrary.jar JAXB與其他JavaEE API java.se.ee模塊 Automatic Modules 除了之前說的unamed modules,還有一種叫automatic modules,這是為解決已有三方庫遷移到模塊化的問題。已有三分庫可以自動轉成模塊,只要在啟動時將jar放在指定--m...
什么是 ASI ? 自動分號插入 (automatic semicolon insertion, ASI) 是一種程序解析技術,它在 JavaScript 程序的語法分析 (parsing) 階段起作用。 根據 ES2015 規范,某些(不是全部) JavaScript 語句需要用 ; 來表示語句的結束;然而為了方...
...ython3.6/site-packages/twisted/application/internet.py, line 54, in from automat import MethodicalMachine File /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/automat/__init__.py, line 2, in from ._method...
... linux: /usr/bin/nodejs, osx: /usr/local/bin/node }, // Automatically lint on edit (Sublime Text 3 only). // 如設置true會在編輯時運行jshint lint_on_edit: false, // Configurable duration bef...
...lWait minute sleep 3m done echo Start tomcat service success # Run automatic function test script echo Start automatic function test export LOG_HOME=${WORKSPACE}/test.log.d/${BUILD_NUMBER} cd /...
...mplete=off MDN autocomplate 文檔 off The browser is not permitted to automatically enter or select a value for this field. It is possible that the document or application provides its own autocomplet...
...nfig ..mongod27017.conf 2018-11-08T21:23:38.399+0800 I CONTROL [main] Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify --sslDisabledProtocols none #查看狀態 > rs.status() { ...
...e several specific beans you almost always need, and Spring Boot adds them automatically. A Spring MVC app also needs a servlet container, so Spring Boot automatically configures embedded Tomcat. G...
...rs, $body); 注意(Notes): Content-Type 會自動設置成(headers will be automatically set to) application/json 表單請求(Form Requests) (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) $headers = array(Accept => application/jso...