...可以看到該動畫庫的動畫類型分為 14 類: Attention Seekers Bouncing Entrances Bouncing Exits Fading Entrances Fading Exits Flippers Lightspeed Rotating Entrances Rotating Exits Sliding Entrances Sliding Exits Specia...
...set top/left for rail position (default:false) bouncescroll, enable scroll bouncing at the end of content as mobile-like (only hw accell) (default:false) spacebarenabled, enable page down scrolling...
...線的表現在下方可以看到。 /* The cubic-bezier() values for the bouncing balloon */ transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.65, 1.95, .03, .32); 模擬彈跳的氣球的自定義貝塞爾曲線 這個例子非常好地解釋了曲線是如何轉換為最終的動畫的,因為它表現...