...切分成兩個,系列目錄見 前言和目錄 。 需求 實現一個 alternatingSplit() 函數,把一個鏈表切分成兩個。子鏈表的節點應該是在父鏈表中交替出現的。如果原鏈表是 a -> b -> a -> b -> a -> null ,則兩個子鏈表分別為 a -> a -> a -> null 和 b...
D58 693. Binary Number with Alternating Bits 題目鏈接 693. Binary Number with Alternating Bits 題目分析 給定一個數字,返回其二進制形式中,0和1是否交替出現。 思路 判斷給定的數字是否為奇數。 若為奇數,那么最低位(即最右)會為1,那...
...數的置信加權和來學習用戶因子X u和藝術家因子Y i: def alternating_least_squares(Cui, factors, regularization, iterations=20): users, items = Cui.shape X = np.random.rand(users, factors) * 0.01 Y = np.random.rand...
...d Insert Insert Sort Append Remove Duplicates Move Node Move Node In-place Alternating Split Front back split Shuffle Merge Sorted Merge Merge sort Sorted Intersect Iterative Reverse Recursive Reve...
...her number from the remaining numbers. We keep repeating the steps again, alternating left to right and right to left, until a single number remains. Find the last number that remains starting wi...
...所說的電影的特征值 最小二乘法實現協同 最小二乘法(Alternating Least Squares, ALS)是一種求解矩陣分解問題的最優化方法。它功能強大、效果理想而且被證明相對容易并行化。這使得它很適合如Spark這樣的平臺。 使用用戶特征矩...
...ther number from the remaining numbers. We keep repeating the steps again, alternating left to right and right to left, until a single number remains. Find the last number that remains starting wit...