

leetcode486. Predict the Winner

王軍 / 493人閱讀


Given an array of scores that are non-negative integers. Player 1 picks one of the numbers from either end of the array followed by the player 2 and then player 1 and so on. Each time a player picks a number, that number will not be available for the next player. This continues until all the scores have been chosen. The player with the maximum score wins.

Given an array of scores, predict whether player 1 is the winner. You can assume each player plays to maximize his score.

Example 1:
Input: [1, 5, 2]
Output: False
Explanation: Initially, player 1 can choose between 1 and 2. 
If he chooses 2 (or 1), then player 2 can choose from 1 (or 2) and 5. If player 2 chooses 5, then player 1 will be left with 1 (or 2). 
So, final score of player 1 is 1 + 2 = 3, and player 2 is 5. 
Hence, player 1 will never be the winner and you need to return False.
Example 2:
Input: [1, 5, 233, 7]
Output: True
Explanation: Player 1 first chooses 1. Then player 2 have to choose between 5 and 7. No matter which number player 2 choose, player 1 can choose 233.
Finally, player 1 has more score (234) than player 2 (12), so you need to return True representing player1 can win.
1. 1 <= length of the array <= 20.
2. Any scores in the given array are non-negative integers and will not exceed 10,000,000.
3. If the scores of both players are equal, then player 1 is still the winner.



看到這種題目的時候,會直觀的想到,如果我能夠暴力的遍歷出玩家1和玩家2之間所有的取數字的方式,就一定可以算出玩家1是否能夠取勝。但是,往往會有可以優化的空間。假設我們用diffi來記錄子數組i~j之間,第一個取數字的玩家和第二個取數字的玩家之間最大的差距。則 diffi = Math.max(nums[i]-diffi+1, nums[j+1]-diffi), 即從左取第一個數字或是從右取第一個數字能夠獲得的最大差距。再考慮初始情況,即當數組長度為1時,可以得知此時玩家一和玩家二之間的差距即為該數組元素的值。代碼如下:

    public boolean PredictTheWinner(int[] nums) {
        int[][] diff = new int[nums.length][nums.length];
        for(int i = 0 ; i= 0;




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