

Python 機器學習框架 - 收藏集 - 掘金

GeekGhc / 2050人閱讀


DEAP - 一個用于快速原型和測試思想的新穎的進化計算框架 - 后端 - 掘金

DEAP is a novel evolutionary computation framework for rapid prototyping and testing of ideas. It seeks to make algorithms explici...

Pattern - Python 的 Web 挖掘模塊 - 后端 - 掘金

Pattern 2.6 Download pattern-2.6.zip Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, ma...

Fuel - 數據管道框架 - 后端 - 掘金

Fuel Fuel provides your machine learning models with the data they need to learn. Interfaces to common datasets such as MNIST, CI...

Annoy - Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk - 后端 - 掘金

Annoy ...

PyMVPA - 一個用于簡化大型數據集的統計學習分析 Python 包 - 后端 - 掘金

For information how to install PyMVPA please see doc/source/installation.rst . Further information and...

PyBrain - Python 模塊化機器學習庫 - 后端 - 掘金

PyBrain -- the Python Machine Learning Library =============================================== INSTALLATION ------------ Quick a...

Pymc - 貝葉斯統計模型 - 后端 - 掘金

Introduction Version: 2.3.6 Authors: Chris Fonnesbeck Anand Patil David Huard John Salvatier Web site:https://github.com/pymc-...

Orange3 - 開源機器學習和數據可視化工具 - 后端 - 掘金

Orange is a component-based data mining software. It includes a range of data visualization, exploration, preprocessing and modeli...

Nilearn: 一個用于在 NeuroImaging 數據上快速輕松地進行統計學習的 Python 模塊 - 后端 - 掘金

nilearn Nilearn is a Python module for fast and easy statistical learning on NeuroImaging data. It leverages the scikit-learn Pyth...

Neon - 一個基于 Python 的深度學習庫 - 后端 - 掘金

neon is Nervana ’s Python-based deep learning library. It provides ease of use while delivering the highest performance. Features ...

NuPIC: Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing - 后端 - 掘金

Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing The Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC) is a machine intelligence platf...

Chainer: A flexible framework of neural networks for deep learning - 后端 - 掘金

Requirements Chainer is tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 7. We recommend them to use Chainer, though it may run on other systems...

The Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox - 后端 - 掘金

Unified and efficient Machine Learning since 1999. Latest release: Cite Shogun: Develop branch build status: Buildbot: ...

Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python - 后端 - 掘金

About Statsmodels Statsmodels is a Python package that provides a complement to scipy for statistical computations including descr...

Pylearn2: A machine learning research library - 后端 - 掘金

This project does not have any current developer. We will continue to review pull requests and merge them when appropriate, but do...

gensim: Topic modelling for humans - 后端 - 掘金

Gensim 是一個免費的 Python 庫,它具有諸如可擴展的統計語義等特征,它可用于分析純文本文檔的語義結構和檢索語義相似的文檔。...

Caffe: 深度學習框架 - 后端 - 掘金

Caffe Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by the Berkeley Vis...

TensorFlow — an Open Source Software Library for Machine Intelligence - 后端 - 掘金

TensorFlow? is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs....

Theano - Python 機器學習框架 - 后端 - 掘金

Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional ...

scikit-learn: Python 機器學習框架 - 后端 - 掘金

Scikit-learn 是一種基于 NumPy、SciPy 和 matplotlib 的用于數據挖掘和數據分析的工具,其不僅使用起來簡單高效,而且還是開源的,可供所有人使用,并且擁有商業可用的 BSD 許可證,在不同的環境下都能很好的被使用。...




  • Python - 收藏 - 掘金

    摘要:首發于我的博客線程池進程池網絡編程之同步異步阻塞非阻塞后端掘金本文為作者原創,轉載請先與作者聯系。在了解的數據結構時,容器可迭代對象迭代器使用進行并發編程篇二掘金我們今天繼續深入學習。 Python 算法實戰系列之棧 - 后端 - 掘金原文出處: 安生??? 棧(stack)又稱之為堆棧是一個特殊的有序表,其插入和刪除操作都在棧頂進行操作,并且按照先進后出,后進先出的規則進行運作。 如...

    546669204 評論0 收藏0
  • Tools - 收藏 - 掘金

    摘要:個高級多線程面試題及回答后端掘金在任何面試當中多線程和并發方面的問題都是必不可少的一部分。默認為提供了年杭州面試經歷掘金想換個環境試試覺得做的不是自己想要的。源碼網站安居客項目架構演進掘金本文已授權微信公眾號獨家發布。 15 個高級 Java 多線程面試題及回答 - 后端 - 掘金在任何Java面試當中多線程和并發方面的問題都是必不可少的一部分。如果你想獲得任何股票投資銀行的前臺資訊職...

    KitorinZero 評論0 收藏0


