在上一課中,我們介紹了如何在OceanOne交易比特幣。OceanOne支持交易任何Mixin Network上的token,包括所有的ERC20和EOS token,不需要任何手續和費用,直接掛單即可。下面介紹如何將將一個ERC20 token掛上OceanOne交易。掌握了ERC20代幣的交易方法,就可以交易任何其他Mixin Network代幣了。
此處我們用一個叫做Benz的ERC20 token為例。這個token已經被充值進Mixin Network,你可以在區塊鏈瀏覽器看到這個token在Mixin Network內部的總數和交易
預備知識:先將Ben幣存入你的錢包,然后使用getAssets API讀取它的UUID.
取得該幣的UUID調用 getAssets API 會返回json數據, 如:
asset_id 幣的UUID.
public_key 該幣的當前錢包的地址.
symbol 幣的名稱. 如: Benz.
if ( args.type === TYPE_WALLET_ASSETS_INFO ) { const assetsInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAssets(); console.log("-AssetID--Asset--Balance--public_key--"); assetsInfo.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element.asset_id + " " + element.symbol + " " + element.balance + " " + element.public_key + " " + element.account_name + " " + element.account_tag ); }); // console.log(assetsInfo); }
調用 getUserAssets API的完整輸出如下:
Make your choose aw: Read Wallet All Asssets Information You choice to : { type: "aw: Read Wallet All Asssets Information" } You wallet is : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761 -AssetID--Asset--Balance--public_key-- 2b9c216c-ef60-398d-a42a-eba1b298581d Benz 99.9 0xA35722B0a5Ab20f2d2276999F5b18D42C71Ba688 6cfe566e-4aad-470b-8c9a-2fd35b49c68d EOS 0 eoswithmixin 30f0c36057b9b22151173b309bd0d79c 965e5c6e-434c-3fa9-b780-c50f43cd955c CNB 999.99999993 0xA35722B0a5Ab20f2d2276999F5b18D42C71Ba688 c6d0c728-2624-429b-8e0d-d9d19b6592fa BTC 0 15MySY7UnA827TRMQWuCKGiogCYXUmt21M限價掛單
掛限價買單 低于或者等于市場價的單.
掛限價賣單 高于或者是等于市場價的單.
OceanOne支持三種基類價格: USDT, XIN, BTC, 即: Benz/USDT, Benz/XIN, Benz/BTC, 這兒示范Benz/USDT.
else if ( args.type === TYPE_OO_SELL_ERC_USDT ) { var prompts = [ { name: "price", type: "input", message: "Input the price of ERC(Benz)/USDT: ", }, ]; price = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); var prompts = [ { name: "amount", type: "input", message: "Input the amount of ERC20(Benz): ", }, ]; amount = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); console.log(price); console.log(amount); const memo = GenerateOceanMemo(USDT_ASSET_ID,"A",price.price); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(ERC20_BENZ); console.log("The Wallet "s USDT balance is ", assetInfo.balance); if ( assetInfo.balance >= amount.amount ) { const Obj = { assetId: ERC20_BENZ, recipientId: OCEANONE_BOT, traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(), amount: amount.amount, memo: memo, } const transInfo = await newUserClient.transferFromBot(Obj); console.log(transInfo); console.log("The Order id is " + transInfo.trace_id + " It is needed to cancel the order!"); } else { console.log("Not enough ERC20_BENZ!"); } }限價掛買單.
else if ( args.type === TYPE_OO_BUY_ERC_USDT ) { var prompts = [ { name: "price", type: "input", message: "Input the price of ERC20(Benz)/USDT: ", }, ]; price = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); var prompts = [ { name: "amount", type: "input", message: "Input the amount of USDT: ", }, ]; amount = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); console.log(price); console.log(amount); const memo = GenerateOceanMemo(ERC20_BENZ,"B",price.price); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(USDT_ASSET_ID); console.log("The Wallet "s USDT balance is ", assetInfo.balance); if ( assetInfo.balance >= amount.amount && assetInfo.balance >= 1 ) { const Obj = { assetId: USDT_ASSET_ID, recipientId: OCEANONE_BOT, traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(), amount: amount.amount, memo: memo, } const transInfo = await newUserClient.transferFromBot(Obj); console.log(transInfo); console.log("The Order id is " + transInfo.trace_id + " It is needed to cancel the order!"); } else { console.log("Not enough USDT!"); } }讀取幣的價格列表
else if ( args.type === TYPE_OO_FETCH_ERC_USDT ) { FetchOceanOneMarketInfos(ERC20_BENZ, USDT_ASSET_ID); } function FetchOceanOneMarketInfos(asset_id, base_asset) { var instance = axios.create({ baseURL: "https://events.ocean.one/markets/" + asset_id + "-" + base_asset + "/book", timeout: 3000, headers: {"X-Custom-Header": "foobar"} }); instance.get() .then(function(response) { console.log("--Price--Amount--Funds--Side") response.data.data.data.asks.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element.price + " " + element.amount + " " + element.funds + " " + element.side); }); response.data.data.data.bids.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element.price + " " + element.amount + " " + element.funds + " " + element.side); }); // console.log(response.data.data.data.asks); }); }ERC20相關的操作指令
Commands list of this source code:
21: Fetch ERC20/USDT order book
24: Sell ERC20/USDT
27: Buy ERC20/USDT
28: Cancel the order
q: Exit
摘要:方案二掛單交易所是基于的去中心化交易所,它性能一流。完整的步驟如下檢查比特幣或的余額,錢包地址。比特幣的到帳時間是個區塊的高度,約分鐘。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000019234638?w=1200&h=659);上一章介紹了Exincore,你可以1秒完成資產的市價買賣。如果你想限定價格買賣,或者買賣一些exi...
摘要:方案二掛單交易所是基于的去中心化交易所,它性能一流。完整的步驟如下檢查比特幣或的余額,錢包地址。比特幣的到帳時間是個區塊的高度,約分鐘。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018419614?w=1200&h=659);上一章介紹了Exincore,你可以1秒完成資產的市價買賣。如果你想限定價格買賣,或者買賣一些exi...
摘要:方案二掛單交易所是基于的去中心化交易所,它性能一流。完整的步驟如下檢查比特幣或的余額,錢包地址。比特幣的到帳時間是個區塊的高度,約分鐘。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018419614?w=1200&h=659);上一章介紹了Exincore,你可以1秒完成資產的市價買賣。如果你想限定價格買賣,或者買賣一些exi...
摘要:在上一課中,我們介紹了如何在交易比特幣。支持交易任何上的,包括所有的和,不需要任何手續和費用,直接掛單即可。下面介紹如何將將一個掛上交易在掌握了之后,就可以把任何在上買賣。此處我們用一個叫做的為例。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000019329775?w=1201&h=660); 在上一課中,我們介紹了如何在Ocea...
摘要:在上一課中,我們介紹了如何在交易比特幣。支持交易任何上的,包括所有的和,不需要任何手續和費用,直接掛單即可。下面介紹如何將將一個掛上交易此處我們用一個叫做的為例。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018419614?w=1200&h=659); 在上一課中,我們介紹了如何在OceanOne交易比特幣。OceanOne...
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