


mudiyouyou / 2912人閱讀





  1. 瑞雪的計算器
  2. LRX
  3. temmo
  4. 987
  5. +-



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  1. window.onload = function() {
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  7. display=document.getElementById("dispaly");
  8. function calculator(){
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  10. // alert(result);
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  13. function resultscalcaulte(){
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  16. display.innerText=calresults;
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  18. function empty(){
  19. result="";
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  22. function back(){
  23. if (result!="") {
  24. result=result.substring(0, result.length - 1);
  25. dispaly.innerText=result;
  26. }
  27. }





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